Monday, March 24, 2008

Midupdate Update

Well, I kind of forgot to do that update thing in February. My computer died, and things have been generally hectic and stressful due to me undergoing the plot of VoyageWaffle in real life. If you missed the new Valentine's Day toon, it's been up for... awhile. It was actually completed during January, because all of February and March have so far gone into creating the huge monster of a music video that is "You Don't Wanna Leave." 
The video, due to reasons of girth, has been split into six production blocks, each with about as many frames as SuperVillain II. Blocks one through five are finally complete, as of just a few minutes ago, leaving only the last one to be penciled, inked, and colored. I hope to have this done within two weeks, and the video plus the site relaunch before April hits. Hmm. I smell unfeasibility, but I never much cared about that anyways.
A sneak peek at just a fragment of the new main page! Anyways, in other oldish news, the Closing Hour is not only showing at the 2008 Wisconsin Film Festival, but it also took home one of the eight jury awards for this year! Click here for screening info

Also, SuperVillain IV has been pushed back once more as I've been commissioned to do a music video for Monarch. Right after that's done, it'll be time for SuperVillain once again though, with another Sock installment following close behind. I need to be done with this entry now, Blogger is being a dick.